Audio Promo

Monday, August 19, 2019

I can see you ...changing in front of me like you're in a crystal ball and you're all I can focus on
Sometimes your weather's in the mood In the mood for making love
Sometimes it's in the mood for looking back on all those cloudy days
Days without the touch of your lover's love, a lover's voice and memories staring back at you
You changed me too just like a mood ring

Sometimes I'm in the mood for loving you
Sometimes I can't see why I come back to you
looking in my crystal ball
waiting for the storm to call it all off before we embrace
before the weather's a storm raging between us
Now I'm in the mood you're in the mood
We can go round and round
Till its no more room in this space
and we can go round and round
Till you're looking me in my face
Call it all off or hold each other's embrace
move this Mood to the next level break the crystal ball and have all of you all of you, all of me

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Cards Selections

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Now the visible rose, that you are in our hearts,the leaves of words unfold,
it's bloom,thoughts more than the magnitude of words alone.
With each and every word,  our sentiments take root not only in your hearts but the plantable paper enclosed in your card is only the embryo.

Every beginning should be as special as the life of the relationship.

Every brand has its impression from the beginning.

Every word is signature.

My Signature,


It was just a spray of perfume or colonge on an envelope and paper that sparked your senses!
Recall when your sweetheart scripted your heart with scented sachet paper notes,...letters and leaves of your love you saved in your lined drawers.
The scent of a lover's words held you
 in his arms for a
 moments' time while apart..

That special caress, again inspired by romance, in an authentic organic card, rose blushed by the words of our author, J.S., 
as you once recalled 
in those "for-get-me-knots".

The notes and lines flirted with his/her scents, one to the other- the dried roses you saved in your drawer, petals, ink, 
all leaves of your
heart pressed against time.

The beauty of words to last forever just as the tradition of the scent of roses.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Botanical flowers

With each and every word, our sentiments take root not only in your hearts but the plantable paper enclosed in your card & thoughts are now beyond the magnitude of words alone, unfolding it's leaves, it's bloom, now the visible rose that you are in our hearts.

Friday, May 31, 2019

One for the real you

Write one for me, the real
The real one love
Love songs meant for the one you been loving
Somebody's heart broke in,
Broke up the words to say,
Stole every treasure
Broke up the words
To this love song
Write me back
One for me
One for the real you
The one that's been loving me
In this love song...I've been wanting to say just that
Words meant to write this love song
The real one I been saving these words for
One for the real you
Just a duet, just say it that way
Just like that
You've been saving these words for me
No despair
Your heart won't leave you lonely
One for the real you
The real one you have the words for

Best friends

Best friends in the end,
Love and me
Spared by the casualties
Close encounters
between us, just us two
We remain in this space
Somewhere between us

Best friends
The one for me
You have been

The one to hold on to
The one to hold my hand in the end
Love and me
Breaking the rules
The one for me
Understand your love and me
Best friends in the end too

Love and me
Won't betray
Somewhere, spaces between us
Your love and me too
The one to hold my hand in the end
The one to hold onto

Amour (Love Cheated You)

Love caught you,
cheating yourself
You was hiding from love
You can't Amour
You told yourself
When I walked in the door,
Waiting to love you
Waiting my turn
You can't hide from yourself
Anymore, Amour
I was there

Now you call
On Amour
Love don't care

Love me when I walk in the door
Now you tell yourself
Now you call on Amour
Not to cheat you
You're not a cheater anymore
You say Amour
Love you again, once more
Love me
You still love me

Now you call on Amour
Not to make you wait anymore
Never stopped you from loving me
Just you
Cheating yourself
Cheating me
Cheating love
Oh Amour, to love you once more

Now you tell yourself

Pourquoi on ne dit plus au revoir, Why We Don't Kiss Goodbye Anymore

Nous n'embrassons plus au revoir

Pourquoi le temps prend si longtemps pour boucler les promesses autour de moi à nouveau,
Je me demande encore

Pourquoi on ne s'embrasse plus au revoir

Nous ne voulons pas dire bonjour?
Passé les dernières chances de s'embrasser
vous et moi choisissons ces étapes à ne pas prendre
Avec toi ou moi
Pourquoi on ne s'embrasse pas au revoir
Peut-être que vous ne voulez pas de regrets
Peut-être que je
Je ne veux pas dire bonjour
Sans toi et moi

Comme les amants
L'un pour l'autre
Un pas pour vous
Passé un pas pour moi
Je n'ai pas à vous en vouloir, ni moi
Tu ne m'attends pas aussi
Ni je vous
Nous n'embrassons pas au revoir sans
Plus d'amour perdu
Perdre tout moment
Perdre toutes les chances
Pour t'aimer encore

Pourquoi on ne s'emballe pas
Plus de promesses
Comme les amants
Pourquoi on ne s'embrasse plus au revoir
Nous n'avons pas à dire bonjour
Nous nous souvenons juste
Nous n'avons juste pas à
Blâmer quelqu'un
Pourquoi on ne s'embrasse plus au revoir

Tu ne m'attends pas aussi, moi aussi, des sentiments comme toi
Comme les amants
Blame it on time, pourquoi
Pourquoi on ne s'embrasse plus au revoir
Ou admettre que nous voulons dire bonjour, une fois dit bonjour, a promis de ne pas dire au revoir
Enveloppés dans les bras l'un de l'autre

We don't kiss goodbyeanymore

Why time takes so long to wrap promises around me again,
I'm still wondering

Why we don't kiss goodbye anymore

We don't want to say hello?
Past the last chances to embrace
you and I choose those steps not to take
With you or me
Why we don't kiss goodbye
Maybe you don't want regrets
Maybe I
Don't want to say hellos
Without you and I

As lovers do
For one another
One step for you
Past one step for me
I don't have to blame you, nor me
You don't expect me too
Nor I you
We don't kiss goodbye without
Any more love lost
Loosing any time
Loosing any chances
To love you again

Why we don't wrap each other
In promises anymore
As lovers do
Why we don't kiss goodbye anymore
We don't have to say hello
We just remember
We just don't have to
Blame it on anyone
Why we don't kiss goodbye anymore

You're not expecting me too, me too, feelings just like you
As lovers do
Blame it on time,Why
Why we don't kiss goodbye anymore
Or admit we want to say hello, once said hello,promised not to say goodbye
Wrapped in each other's arms

Monday, May 20, 2019

longer shadows of the day forget the passage of time and endless becomes your beauty, the turn of dreams weigh down the pages of memories and I see into our future that until beauty exists no more, I'd lay the pages down as your beauty embraces a whisper to fall upon me

Apart "When time doesn’t stand without you" Part II

...I’d remember all the times, falling in between the lines was like rewriting

the first time, I’d remember everything you wanted me to remember about you
and for the days of tomorrow, promises on the lips of  another kiss

When the days ran long and I couldn’t see

only now I’d remember
More than words could describe you
when I promised tomorrow that first I’d remember, that first time lost in emotion it was
because of you...



longer shadows of the day forget the passage of time and endless becomes your beauty, the turn of dreams weigh down the pages of memories and I see into our future that until beauty exists no more, I'd lay the pages down as your beauty embraces a whisper to fall upon me


Friday, February 15, 2019

And You Don't Say Goodbye

(Italian Version)

E non dite arrivederci 
Ecco perché li manco 
Lungo ed ultimo i giorni 
Questo affare ha cominciato 
Non dite arrivederci 
Poiché siete sempre qui, con me 
La parte di me voi 
Cominci ripetutamente ancora 
Quando scegliete 
Non è il fatto che è vostro undoing 
Non è il fatto che dica sempre ciao 
Quando non dite mai arrivederci 
Li manco 

Parte II 

Ecco perché li manco 
Lungo ed ultimo i giorni 
Questo affare ha cominciato 
Non dite arrivederci 
Poiché siete sempre qui, con me 
La parte di me voi 
Cominci ripetutamente ancora 
Quando scegliete 
Penso che abbiate calcolato quello fuori 
Determinati giorni a parte avete vinto 
Non è il fatto che è vostro undoing 
È egoista di voi 
Non è il fatto che dica sempre ciao 
Quando non dite mai arrivederci 
Li manco 

And You Don't Say Goodbye
That's why I miss you
Long and last the days
This affair began
You don't say goodbye
Because you are always here, with me
The part of me you
Begin over and over again
When you choose
It's not the fact that it's your undoing
It's not the fact I always say hello
When you don't ever say goodbye
I miss you

Part II

That's why I miss you
Long and last the days
This affair began
You don't say goodbye
Because you are always here, with me
The part of me you
Begin over and over again
When you choose
I think you figured that out
Some days apart you won
It's not the fact that it's your undoing
It's selfish of you
It's not the fact I always say hello
When you don't ever say goodbye
I miss you

Jocelyn Shaw

Sunday, January 6, 2019

New Releases 2019 New Poetry & Sentiments Jocelyn Shaw

Tu amor pasó a lo largo de mi vida y reveló otro lado de mí. En mis manos te sostuve mirándome. Tus ojos respondieron a lo que no pude preguntar en ese momento. Lo diste y creí. Tus palabras se demoraron solo para bailar conmigo una vez más ... En tu ausencia, encuentro un corazón que mantuvo el amor por un momento, un corazón lleno de alegría, por ese momento ... si uno camina solo y hay una huella de huellas En mis sombras, encuentro que mi corazón late por dos. En ese momento, la alegría y el amor compartidos no solo me acariciaron, sino que también me llevaron a través. Siempre te veré en mí, yo en ti en mi vida.

Your love passed through my lifetime, and revealed another side of me.In my hands I held you looking back at me.Your eyes answered what I couldn't ask in that moment.You gave and I believed. Your words lingered only to dance with me once more...In your absence, I find a heart that held love for a moment, a heart filled with joy, for that moment...if one walks alone and there's one set of footprints, in my shadows I find my heart beat for two, In that moment, the joy and love shared not only caressed me but carried me through. I will always see you in me, me in you in my lifetime.

You Don't Say Goodbye . .

( Italian Version) E non dite arrivederci Ecco perché li manco Lungo ed ultimo i giorni Questo affare ha cominciato Non dite arrivederci Po...